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BUGA is here in Mannheim! Want to know what it is all about? Check it out here. It opened on 14th April and will close on 8th October. There are hundreds of gardens to see and events to watch!

We have booked a guided tour in English of the Spinelli Park and especially focusing on the SDG gardens. This tour will start at 2pm and lasts 1 hour and a half. Please arrive early so we can start on time. We will not be able to wait as otherwise we will lose part of the tour.

The tour costs €115 and will be shared between everyone. You will also need to buy the entrance ticket to get into the park as this is not included in the tour price.


A single adult ticket costs €28 and needs to be purchased in advance here. You can also buy a 2 day ticket but needs to be used on consecutive days.

Meeting point:

Infront of the Infocounter Spinelli (this is inside the park) at 13.30pm

Arriving by car: 

Parking spaces are available at the Maimarktgelände, the signs on the surrounding motorways and federal roads will guide you there easily. An RNV shuttle bus runs between Spinelli Park and the car park . The parking ticket for one day costs 8.50 euros when purchased online in advance and 9.50 euros directly at the car park. The online shop for selling parking tickets is here

Destination address for navigation systems: Wilhelm-Varnholt-Allee, Mannheim (then follow the signs)

Arriving by public transport: 

If you arrive by public transport via Mannheim main station, please use the special tram line “BUGA-Express” to the Spinelli site. By the way: Public transport in the entire VRN area is already included in the day and two-day tickets!

For travel within Baden-Württemberg, there is the “Kombiticket BUGA 23” in the bwtarif. The combination ticket is available from April 1, 2023 at the DB ticket machines in the station for €40 and at the DB ticket counter for €2 more with advice and at bw-ticket.de. It is also offered in the BUGA 23 ticket shop.

Contact : fawco@heidelbergiwc.org

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