All active members will receive invitations to all upcoming events. As a registered member, you may choose to accept or decline at your convenience. If you haven't registered yet, please request access and register now.
If you are a non-member and would like to attend one of our events, please contact: activities@heidelbergiwc.org

Dienstag 11.03.2025

Let's Speak German - we meet every 2nd Tuesday of the month
10:00 - 12:00
  • Typ
    Open Event
  • Ort
    Café Rossi, Rohrbacher Straße 4, 69115 Heidelberg
  • Teilnehmer
    Active Members
  • Text

    Are you new in Heidelberg or Germany? Would you love the chance to meet others and pick up some basic German skills while you relax over a cup of coffee? Come and join Ulrike for an enjoyable and fun morning! This event is also open for non-members. To register please contact Ulrike.

Montag 17.03.2025

FAWCO event: The Human Rights Team presents: Women in Armed Conflict with speaker Marelie Manders (HIWC Club member)
17:30 - 18:30
  • Typ
    Members Only
  • Ort
    online with Zoom
  • Teilnehmer
    Active Members
  • Text

    The FAWCO Human Rights Team invites you to join our discussion: “Women in Armed Conflict” with speaker Marelie Manders, Heidelberg International Women's Club. This is the second topic in a planned series of talks on the UN Beijing+30 Twelve Critical Areas of Concern for women's equality and empowerment based on FAWCO's research project with NGO CSW Geneva in 2024.

    Please register in advance for this meeting:


    After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

    Location virtual

Dienstag 18.03.2025

March Monthly Meeting @ Interkulturelles Zentrum, Heidelberg
19:00 - 21:00
  • Typ
    Members Only
  • Ort
    IZ, Bergheimer Str. 147, 69115 Heidelberg
  • Teilnehmer
    Active Members
  • Text
    Join us for our March Monthly Meeting!
    We’re hosting an informative virtual presentation about FAWCO with Kanika Holloway, FAWCO’s 2nd VP!
    Wondering what FAWCO is all about? Let’s explore:
    ✨ What is FAWCO?
    ✨ What does our membership mean for us?
    ✨ The benefits and resources available to us
    Venue: Interkulturelles Zentrum (IZ), Bergheimer Str. 147 (Bldg C - Room 412), 69115 Heidelberg 
    Save the date: Our Monthly Meetings will take place on the 3rd Tuesday of every month, at the same venue, same time.
    How to get there: The IZ is conveniently located near the Betriebshof bus and tram station. As parking is not permitted on the compound, please use public transport.


Mittwoch 26.03.2025

FAWCO event - FAWCO Biennial Conference in Annapolis
12:00 - 12:00
  • Typ
    Open Event
  • Ort
    Annapolis, Maryland, USA
  • Teilnehmer
    Active Members
  • Text

    FAWCO Biennial Conference

    Annapolis, Maryland, USA

    Hosted by FAUSA and supported by The FAWCO Foundation


    The 2025 FAWCO Biennial Conference will be hosted by FAUSA in Annapolis, Maryland, USA from Wednesday evening, March 26 to Sunday morning, March 30, 2025.

    We'll have a welcome event Wednesday evening to greet all the arriving guests from around the world. Thursday morning, March 27, we'll start bright and early with our conference program. Foundation Night will be hosted by The FAWCO Foundation on Friday evening, March 28. We'll wrap up with workshops on Sunday morning, March 30, for Reps and Presidents. 


    More information on the Annapolis 2025 conference page for registered users. 


    Official Annapolis Logo web

Freitag 28.03.2025

Dinner Club: La Taperia Olé Olé Campbell
19:00 - 21:00
  • Typ
    Members Only
  • Ort
    Am Paradeplatz 15, 69126 Heidelberg-Rohrbach
  • Teilnehmer
    Active Members
  • Text

    With Dinner Club we meet once a month to explore exciting Restaurants in our region!

    For March's Dinner Club we are meeting at La Taperia Olé Olé Campbell in Heidelberg . This is a Spanish restaurant.


    Please Note:

    Register or cancel here on the website before 25th March.

    Sign ups will be limited, so spots will be assigned on the first-come-first-served basis.

    Please do not sign up and not show up, sometimes restaurants have penalties for this.

    A waiting list will be available.

Dienstag 01.04.2025

17:30 - 21:00
  • Typ
    Members Only
  • Ort
    Caritas Flüchtlingsunterkunft, Hardtstr. 10/1, 69124 Heidelberg
  • Teilnehmer
    Active Members
  • Text

    Come and join us for a fun evening of cooking together with the children and their families at the refugee shelter in Kirchheim.



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